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Facts are critically important when making an intelligent decision. Casting a vote in the general election is a decisive act. This platform, free of opinion, was constructed to provide voters with information that will enable them to make an informed decision.

...Don Bracken

In Their Own Words
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The Democratic Party's Push For A Communist America

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Meet The Authors
Terry Turchie

Terry Turchie spent thirty years in the FBI- as a clerical support employee from 1972-1976, and as an FBI agent from 1976 until his retirement in May 2001, as the Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division.

Don Bracken

Don Bracken, birth name Donagh an old Irish name, is a former official of the Democratic Party who was inspired by John F. Kennedy to “ask not what your country will do for you, but what you will do for your country.”

In Their Own Words, the Democratic Party Push Towards a Communist America, by retired FBI Agent Terry D. Turchie and Donaugh Bracken, once a prominent New York Democrat who fled the party to discover freedom one again, sound the alarm bells in describing the truth behind the Democratic Party’s call for “democratic socialism.” What they really want-and what this book unquestionably proves, is the hijacking of the Democratic Party by the ideology of communism.
Seven retired, high -level FBI Agents, who represent multiple generations of FBI leadership and expertise in criminal, counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and major fraud investigations, had this to say after reading In Their Own Words from cover to cover.

Cecil Moses,

FBI Senior Executive Service, Retired

Today’s Democratic Party has resurrected the battle cries of radical revolutionaries of the 1960’s and 1970’s who sought to topple the United States Government and replace it with communism...


Danny O. Coulson, Deputy Assistant Director, FBI, Retired

“In Their Own Words” is a chilling account of how our society is swerving far left into a socialist form of Government, where liberty and due process give way to socialist agendas...

American War Cemetery

R. Jean Gray, Special Agent in Charge, Soviet Counterintelligence, FBI,
New York, Retired

In Their Own Words answers an important question on the minds of many Americans-what is happening
inside America’s Democratic Party today? ...

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